Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Outasight, but not out of mind

Outasight is one of those artists (of a growing population) you could throw in the category of "rapper-turnt-singer", the fortunate thing for us is that he makes some incredible music. Outasight vocalizes over instrumentation pulling from what seems like every popular genre over the past 50+ years; Jazz, Soul, Funk, Rock and Hip-Hop fuse together with OU's singing and rapping to create the perfect mix of timeless music.

To get a taste of his varying style, feast your ears on "Further/Everything's Alright", the introduction to 2009's Further.

We might as well continue to the next track (this is a trend, you will end up listening to the whole thing) from Further, "Catch Me If You Can".

Catch Me If You Can

Outasight | Myspace Music Videos

Now that you have an idea for what Outasight is about, let's move onto one of his strongest (most cohesive) albums, 2010's Never Say Never. "Ahh Yeah" mixes that classic sound from the 60's with modern day rap to create a tune that you won't soon forget.

As with Further, you can let Never Say Never ride all the way through and lose an hour just like that. Listen to "Dear Heartache" and continue the journey.

Outasight has the majority of his work available for download (mostly free too!) both on his website and his bandcamp. After digesting Further and Never Say Never, I suggest From Here to There. As explained on the intro, "it's not a mixtape, it's an album prequel!", which includes more features from his peers in the Hip-Hop realm.

I'll leave you with his latest single, "Tonight is the Night", which you may have heard on TV as Pepsi and X-Factor feature it heavily.

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